Milgüç is a brand created by our company to prevent the loss of lives and economic damages in occupational accidents, natural disasters, accidents that our people may suffer; to increase the power of battle in combat zone and security forces’ operations; to protect the people in puclic spaces and the nature.
Alfoex, with its long years of experience, has successfully realized the ideal of being a solution center with the services it has provided in its sector and continues its activities by its leader, original and dynamic structure in its sector with the pride of its efforts to spread this ideal to the years with consistently and distinctly growth.
Alfoex & Milgüç, with its long years of experience, has successfully realized the ideal of being a solution center and continues its activities by its leader, original and dynamic structure in its sector with the pride of its efforts to spread this ideal to the years with consistently and distinctly growth.
Our aim in our developing country; covering the occupational health and safety management system and its main objective is to minimize the loss of life and property and the material damage that may occur.
Alfoex & Milgüç: Developing new products and production processes and entering new markets are just a few of our company’s targets in the coming period.
In the coming period, while continuing our high quality product and service production, the fact this product and service will meet in the conditions of the demands of our customers and meet their needs will continue to be our top priority.